Hafız ve İmrul Kays
Hafez: My tears are after you, do not despise them. For how many deep seas form from shallow springs! Original: دموعي بعدكم لاتحقروها فكم بحر عميق من سواقي Hafez: Translation: As long as the nights follow one another And the two-stringed lutes answer the three God save the Valley of Arak and whoever is there And the house in Lawa, beyond Ramal I pray for all those who are away from their homelands repeatedly and constantly I am dying of longing, O would that I knew when the messenger would speak of union O God, protect him with your eternal grace at every place that he may be O heart, weep not! For in the chain of his curl, distress is all tranquility Your love is my comfort at every moment Your name, my companion in every state From your down, your beauty increased a hundredfold May you live a hundred glorious years! May the center of my heart, until the Day of Resurrection, Empty of...