
Peygamberimize İmanımız Bu Salât Üzerinedir. Allah Teâlâ Daim Eylesin ve Bu İman İle Haşreylesin

  Salât-ı Tecelliye Muhyiddin Ebi Salih Şeyh Abdulkadir Geylâni Kuddise sırruhu'l aziz 

‘Bize Kur’an yeter…' diyen Peygamberimiz Düşmanı Oku...

    T.C. GAZİANTEP ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ TEMEL İSLÂM BİLİMLERİ TEFSİR ANABİLİM DALI KUR’ÂN’DA PEYGAMBERİMİZE VERİLEN DEĞER YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ ORHAN ÇAĞILCI GAZİANTEP HAZİRAN 2015   ABSTRACT THE VALUE GIVEN TO THE PROPHET BY THE QUR’AN ÇAĞILCI, Orhan M. A. Thesis, Basic Islamic Sciences Department of Qur’anic Exegesis Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mesut ERDAL June 2015, 110 pages Allah has chosen messengers among human beings to guide them in their lives in the world. In terms of morality and virtue, these messengers are the most outstanding examples of humanity. According to Qur'an, there are differences in degree among the messengers. The aim of this study is to put forth the value given in Qur'an to the Prophet (PBUH) by Allah's praise for his morality, exalting his glory, regarding obedience to him as obedience to Himself, submission to him as submission to Himself and disobedience to him as disobedience to Himself; addressing...