
The Veil of Isis “Le Voile d’Isis”

The Veil of Isis “Le Voile d’Isis” Rene Guenon WEWELSBURG ARCHIVES The Veil of Isis “Le Voile d’Isis” René Guénon WEWELSBURG ARCHIVES KALI YUGA - 130 AH - Table of Contents F.-Ch. Barlet and the Initiatic Societies        1 Some Precise Details of the H.B. of L.        5 Sédir and the Hindu Doctrines        8 Léon Champrenaud (1870-1925)        10 Cologne or Strasbourg?        11 Madame Chauvel de Chauvigny        13 The Gift of Languages        14 The Compagnonnage and the Bohemians        17 The Secret Language of Dante        and        the        ‘Fed...