At-Tadbirat al-ilahiyyah fi islah al-mamlakat al-insaniyyah
IBN ‘ARABI Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom At-Tadbirat al-ilahiyyah fi islah al-mamlakat al-insaniyyah ABOUT DIVINE GOVERNANCE T his book is one of the early books of Ibn ‘Arabi written in all probability around 1194/590H in Andalusia, certainly before his migration to the eastern realms of the Islamic world in 1201/598H. He explains the cause which induced him to write this guide of how to fare in this life, if one was meant to live it as God’s supreme creation: “When I visited the house of Shaikh Abu Muhammad al Mururi (al Mawruri), I found a book called “The Secret of Secrets” (Sirrul Esrar) written by Hakim (Ari stotle) who was too old to accompany Zulkameyn (Alexandre the Great) in his campaigns. The book contained instructions of how to rule the world. , “Ebu Muhammad told me, ‘This book is about ruling the world. What I want you to do is to write a book 7 ', about the governance of the human kin gdom, of how to. . govem our o...