What Men Live By
What Men Live By AND WHERE LOVE IS, THERE GOD IS ALSO LEO TOLSTOY These stories have the most beautiful theme that any stories could ever have. They are about God's infinite love and tender mercy. When such a magnificent novelist as Leo Tolstoy writes of God’s love in terms of simple people and their love of Him and of each other, a unique literature is created that penetrates the heart and grips the soul. WHAT MEN LIVE BY and WHERE LOVE IS, THERE GOD IS ALSO LEO TOLSTOY What Men Live By AND WHERE LOVE IS, THERE GOD IS ALSO FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY CONTENTS What Men Live By, page 7 Where Love Is, There God Is Also, page 45 Printed in trie United States of America Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-11017 Westwood, New Jersey 1.3. WHAT MEN LIVE BY We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not abideth in death. . . . But wh...