
Memoir of a Friend: LOUIS MASSIGNON by Herbert Mason

  DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MEMOIR OF A FRIEND BOOKS BY HERBERT MASON A Legend of Alexander and The Merchant and the Parrot, Dramatic Poems The Death of al-Hallaj, a Dramatic Narrative Gilgamesh, a Verse Narrative Summer Light, a Novel Moments in Passage, a Memoir The Passion of al-Hallaj by Louis Massignon, 4 vols, (translator) Two Statesmen of Mediaeval Islam, a Study Reflections on the Middle East Crisis (editor) Memoir of a Friend: LOUIS MASSIGNON by Herbert Mason University of Notre Dame Press Notre Dame, Indiana   Copyright © 1988 by Herbert Mason All Rights Reserved Quotations from letters of Thomas Merton to the author are used with the permission of the Merton Legacy Trust. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mason, Herbert, 1932- Memoir of a friend, Louis Massignon. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Massignon, Louis, 1883-1962. 2. Orientalists-France-Biography. 3. Mason, Herbert, 1932- -Diaries.