Leylayı Arıyorsun
أَتَطلُبُ لَيلى وَهيَ فيكَ تَجَلَّت وَتَحسَبُها غَيراً وَغَيرُكَ لَيسَتِ
فَذابلُهُ في مِلَّةِ الحُبِّ ظاهِرٌ فَكُن فَطِناً فَالغيرُ عَينُ القَطيعَةِ
أَلَم تَرَها أَلقَت عَلَيكَ جَمالَها وَلَو لَم تَقُم بِالذاتِ مِنكَ اِضمَحَلَّتِ
تَقولُ لَها اُدنُ وَهيَ كُلَّك ثُمَّ إِن حَبَتكَ بِوَصلٍ أَوهَمَتكَ تَدَلَّتِ
عَزيزٌ لِقاها لا يَنالُ وِصالَها سِوى مَن يَرى مَعنىً بِغَيرِ هَوِيَّةِ
كَلِفت بِها حَتّى فَنِيتُ بِحُبِّها فَلَو أَقسَمَت أَنّيَ إِيّاها لَبَرَّتِ
وَغالَطتُ فيها الناسَ بِالوَهمِ بَعدَما تَبَيَّنتها حَقّاً بِداخِلِ بُردَتي
وَغَطَّيتُها عَنّي بِثَوبِ عَوالِمي وَعَن حاسِدي فيها لِشِدَّةِ غيرَتي
بَديعَة حُسنٍ أَو بَدا نورُ وَجهِها إِلى أَكمَهٍ أَضحى يَرى كُلَّ ذَرَّةِ
تحلّت بأنواع الجمال بأسرها فهام بها أهل الهوى حيثُ حلّت
You seek Layla, but she reveals herself within you
You think she’s other, but she’s not other than you
And that’s a madness that is apparent to the cult of lovers
So be careful, for otherness is the essence of being cut off
Don’t you see how her beauty envelops you?
She disappears only when you reject part of yourself
“Come close to me,” you say to she who is your All
And when she loves you, she leads you to yourself
Meeting her is bliss beyond description
and none reach her, save those who see meaning without forms
I was so in love with her that I would have vanished in her love
had she not sworn that I only obey her
I concealed her from people with fantasy
After having revealed her, truly, inside my cloak.
I hid her from myself, with the robe of my worlds,
And from my envy, out of the severity of my jealousy
O Dazzling beauty! Should the light of your face
Touch the eyes of a blind man, he would see every atom
She is adorned with each and every charm and grace of beauty
And wherever she appears, she is desired by those who love.
Not: Bazen Büyük Dosyaları tarayıcı açmayabilir...İndirerek okumaya Çalışınız.
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