HADÎKA...Rızk Hakkında Diyor ki
sofrasını mahlukun önüne koyduğunda, yiyenin ihtiyacından daha fazlasını verir;
(bu canlıların) her birine ondan ruh, ömür, rızık, baht ve rızık ondandır.
her birine rızkını gösterdiğinden ve hazinesinin kapısını mühürlemediğindendir.
kâfir, mü'min, güvenilir ve mutlu olanların hepsi, ondan rızık ve yeni bir
hayata kavuşur.
boğazında "Ha" hacet/zaruret iken, cömertliğinin Cim'i yaratıklarına
rızıklarını vermiştir.
yaşayamayız ve iştah bizim tek zevkimizdir; Nasıl ki bu ekmeği yememiz iştahın şerrinden
başka bir şey değilse de, döndüklerinde yüz çevirmez. Kendisine
yönelmesini zorlaştırmaz, böylece herkese rızık verir, ekmek verir.
ekmeğin ve canın Allah'ın hazinesindedir; Onun sözüne göre O olduğuna
sıkıntıda ise, kazancınızın atı onun eyeri altındadır.
seni aceleyle yanına getirir, ya da sen uyurken yanına getirir.
sana söylemedi mi, "Ben senin Rabbinim, gizliyi ve aşikâr olanı bilenim;
Hayat verdim, geçim kaynağım; Ne dilersen hemen veririm?
ki, gün gibi, günlük ekmeğin de güvence altındadır, çünkü günlük ekmeğin, günün
beraberinde getirdiği bir hediyedir;"
geçimlerinden endişe duyanlardır ve akıllılar, tencerede olanı sıcakken
avını tek başına yemez ve doyunca avın geri kalanını bırakır.
içinizde olduğu sürece rızık ahdinin sizinle olması Allah'ın lütfudur.
haldeyken yine ruhun rızk kaygısını taşır,
çünkü o, kabrin kenarı (o zaman) toza dönüşünceye kadar;
kimseye rızıksız can vermemiştir, çünkü can rızık ile kalır.
gücünüzle bu antlaşmaya sımsıkı sarılın ve bu antlaşma bozulursa, ruhun tüm
gücü gider.
biriktirmek acuze kadınlara mahsustur; (derler ki) yeni bir gün, insana yeni
bir rızık getirir.
senin rızkın, bilen ve azîz olanın üzerinedir; o halde [rızk için] hükümdarın
ve vekilin gazabına uğrama.
o vakit, ruh bedenden ayrıldığı zaman, bil ki, rızkı sonuna kadar ulaşmıştır.
Allah'ın kapısından gelir, dişle, gırtlakla veya boruyla değil.
emekçiye aittir, özellikle de bilgeliği ve altını olmadığı zaman.
çalışkanlar içindir, özellikle de bilgeliği ve altını olmadığı için.
efendiliği ise hep keder ve arzudur, evi bir yana bırak, sana Allah yeter.
her halde Allah Teâlâ'ya olan bağımlılığınız, Değirmen ve un çuvalına olan bağımlılığınızdan daha
bulutlar sana bir yıl su vermezse, işlerinin tamamen mahvolacağını tahmin
قول فى الرزق
حينما مد مائدته أمام الأحياء ، وضع الطعام أكثر من ا لآكل.
ولكل ( هذه الأحياء ) منه الروح والعمر والرزق، وحسن الحظ وطيب العيش منه.
٧٩٥-وذلك لأنه أبدى لكل واحد منهم رزقه، ولم
يختم على باب خزا ئنه.
والكافر والمؤمن والثقى والسعيد، كلهم لهم منه الرزق والحياة الجديدة.
وقدأعطت اجيم= جودة الرزق للخلق، و=حاء= الحاجة لاتزال منهم فى الحلق.
وليت حياتنا بالخبز وحده، كما أن أكلنا هذا الخبز ليس إلا شرها.
وهو لا يضيق من توجه عبده إليه، فيعطى الرزق
ويعطى الخبز للجميع.
فطعامك وروحك فى خزائنه، وأنت لا تدرى خبرا عن دفائنه.
فإذا كان رزقك فى الضين، فإن حصان كسبك يكون تحت سرجه.
فإما أن يحملك بالقرب منه مسرعا، وإما أن يجمله إليك وأنت نائم.
ألم يقل لك أنا رازقك، أناعالم السروعالم العلن.
أعطيت الروح وأعطى الجحود القوت، وكل ما تريد
أعطيك إياه فى التو واللحظة.
٨٠٥- واعلم أن أمر الرزق مثل
النهارعلى الأبواب، فالنهار يفسح السبيل لرزقك.
فالسفلة هم الذين يخافون على رزقهم، والحكيم
لايأكل ما فى القدر وهو ساخن.
ولا يأكل الأسد صيده وحيدا، وحين يشبع يترك
بقية الصيد.
ومن لطف الإله ان عهد القوت معك ما دامت فيك الروح.
فاحمل هم الروح فتلك هى ا كلة الرزق حتى حافة
القبر ( حين ) تتحول إلى تراب.
٨١٠- فلم
يعط الله أحدا روحا بلا قوت، ذلك أن الروح تبقى قائمة بالقوت.
فتمسك بهذا العهد بشدة وكل قوتك، وإذا ذهب هذا العهد فكل قوت الروح.
ورزقك العجائز
اللائ قد شبن عنك،(يقلن)أن اليوم الجديد يحمل للمرء الرزق الجديد.
ورزقك على العليم والقدير، فلا تتحمل أنت غضب الأمير والوكيل.
وفى ذلك الزمان الذى تهلع فيه الروح من الجسد، اعلم يقينا أن رزقك يصل إلى
( نهايته )
. ٨١٥- ورزقك يكون من باب الله، ليس من الأسنان
والحلق والحلقوم.
وتكون السيادة للكادح بالتعب، وخاصة وهو لا يملك الحكمة أو الذهب.
والكدح كله حزن وهوس، فتحرر من الكدح وحسبك الله.
واعتمادك على الله فى كل الأحوال، أفضل من اعتمادك على الطاحونة والجوال.
فإذا لم يرسل السحاب الغيث عليك ذات عام، فإننى أرى أن أحوالك تكون شديدة الاضطراب
On His Omniscience, And His
Knowledge Of The Minds Of Men
knows the draught of each of His creatures ; He has given it, and He can give
its opposite. He is the Creator of thy wisdom ; but His wisdom is untainted by the passage of
thought. He knows concerning thee what is in thy heart,
for He is the Creator both of thy heart and of thy clay. Dost thou think that
He knows as thou knowest ? then is the ass of thy nature stuck fast in thy
clay? He sees xv hat is best for His creatures before the desire is formed ; He
knows the mind before the secret thought
exists. He knows what is in thy heart ; before thou speakest He performs the
work. God brings joy and takes away sorrow ; God knows our secrets, and He
keeps them safe.
before Him is the gift of tongues ; thy life’s food thou receivest from a table
bare of bread ; man’s desire cannot wish for such things as He has prepared for
him. He knows the condition of His creatures ; He
sees it, and can give accordingly ; He has prepared for thee thy place in
Paradise, that to-morrow thou mayest enter into joy. It is enough that He speaks,—be thou dumb and
speak not; it is enough that He seeks, remain thou a cripple, and run not to
and fro. In presence of the
power and omniscience of God, feebleness and ignorance are best; feebleness
makes thee wise, weakness confers eminence on thee.
can make existence non-existent, can also change nonexistence into existence.
He in His mercy arrests the rhythmical forces in the wombs for the due
constituting and establishing of the offspring j and forasmuch as His inscrutability pourtrayed
thy form, knowest thou not that thou
canst not remain hidden ? * He knows thy case better than thyself ; why
frequentest thou the neighbourhood of folly and deceit ? Speak not of thy
heart’s sorrow, for He is speaking ; seek thou not for Him, for He is seeking.
perceives the touch of an ant’s foot, though in night and darkness the ant move
on a rock ; if a stone moves in the dark night in the
depth of the water, His knowledge sees it ; if there be a worm in the heart of a rock, whose body is smaller
than an atom, God by His knowledge knows its cry of praise, and its hidden
secret. To thee He has given guidance in the path ; to the worm He has given
its sustenance in the rock. No soul has ever rested in patience apart 39 from
Him ; no understanding deceived Him by its subtlety. He is ever aware of the
minds of men,—ponder thou this, and thy duty is fulfilled.
thou turn thy face from evil usage, thy mind shall preserve the true religion of
Islam; but since thou choosest to hold false ideas of His clemency, thou shalt
have no light, but hell-fire in thy heart ; for since thou wilt not take
account of His knowledge, 0 man, cherish no hope of clemency from Him. His omniscience kindles the lamp of the
understanding ; but His clemency teaches nature to sin ; were not His clemency a perpetual refuge, how
could a servant dare to sin ?
then thou committest a sin, that sin falls under one of two cases; if thou
thinkest that God knows not, I say to thee, Well done, thorough-going infidel! and if thou thinkest that God knows, and still thou
committest it,—Bravo, impudent one, and vile ! Myself I acknowledge that no man
knows thy secrets ; God knows,—God is not less than man ; and I take it that if He hides this
forgiveness from thee, is it not that His omniscience knows that it is thus
with thee ? Then turn from this vile conduct of thine ; otherwise on the day of
thy resurrection thou wilt forthwith see thyself drowning in the sea of thy
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