Sevgilisini görüp selam vermekten başka açıklayacak hiçbir şeyi yok
عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه ألا يا رسول الله إنى مغرم
صَبَبتُ دُمُوعاً يَشهَدُ الحُزنُ أَنَّها أَتَت مِن فُؤَادٍ بالغَرَامِ مُتَيَّمُ
وَلَيسَ لَهُ مِن ذَا التَّتَيُّمِ مُشرِحٌ سِوَى أن يَرَى مَعشُوقَهُ فَيُسَلِّمُ
يَقُولُ لِى المَعشُوقُ لاَ تَخشَ بَعدَ ذَا حِجاباً وَلاَ طَرداً فَعَهدِى مُتَمَّمُ
مَتَى ما أردَتَ القُربَ مِنّىِ فَنادِنِى أَلاَ يا رَسُولَ اللهِ إِنِّىَ مُغرَمُ
أُجُيبُكَ مِن بُعدٍ وَإِنِّى جَلِيسُ مَن بِحُبِّىَ مَشغولٌ بِذِكرى مُتَرجِمُ
حَلَفتُ يَمِيناً إِنَّ قَلباً يُحِبُّكُم عَلَيهِ عَذابُ النَّارِ قَطعاً مُحرَّمُ
فَكَيفَ بمَن قَد شامَكُم كُلَّ ساعَةٍ فَهذَا يَقِيناً في الجِنانِ يُنَعَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ عَلَيكُم وَالسَّلاَمُ يُنِيلُنِى كَمالَ شُهُودِ لِلجَمالِ وَيُلهِمُ
لِسانِى تَحِيَّاتٍ تَلِيقُ بِقَدرِكُم أُكُرِّرُها في حَيَّكُم وَأُهمهِم
سَلاَمٌ علَى رَأسِ الرَّسُولِ مُحَمَّدٍ لَرَأسٌ جَلِيلٌ بالجَلاَلِ مُعَمَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ علَى وَجهِ النَّبِىِّ مُحَمَّدٍ فَيا نِعمَ وَجهٌ بالضِّياءِ مُلَثَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ عَلى طَرفِ النَّبِىِّ مُحَمَّدٍ لَطَرفٌ كَحِيلٌ أَدعجٌ وَمُعَلَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ عَلى أنفِ النَّبِىِّ مُحَمَّدٍ لأَنفٌ عَدِيلٌ أنوَرٌ وَمُقَوَّمُ
سَلامٌ علَى خَدّ الحَبيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ لَخَدٌ مُنِيرٌ أسهَلٌ وَمُشَمَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ علَى فَمِّ النَّبِىِّ مُحَمَّدٍ لَفَمٌّ بِهِ دُرٌّ نَفِيسٌ مُنَظَّمُ
بِغَيرِ كَلاَمِ اللهِ وَالذِّكرِ وَالنّدَا لِحَضرَةِ مَولاَهُ فَلاَ يَتَكَلمُ
سَلامٌ علي عُنق النَّبِىِّ مُحَمَّدٍ لَعُنقٌ سَطِيعٌ نَيِّرٌ وَمُبَرَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ على صَدرِ الحَبِيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ لَصَدرٌ وَسِيعٌ بالعُلُومِ مُطَمطَمُ
سَلاَمٌ على قَلبِ الحَبيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ لَقلبٌ بِنُورِ اللهِ دَوماً مُقَيَّمُ
يُشَاهِدُ رَبَّ العَرشِ في كُلِّ لَحظَةٍ فإن نامَتِ العَينانِ ما نامَ فاعلَمُوا
سَلاَمٌ على كَفِّ النبي مُحَمَّدٍ لَكَفٌ رَحيبٌ كَم يَجُودُ وَيُكرِمُ
بهِ كَم فَقِيرٍ صَارَ مِن بَعدِ فَقرِهِ غَنِيًّا وَكَم طاغٍ بهِ مُتَضَيِّمُ
سَلاَمٌ على قَدَمٍِ الحَبيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ بهِ دَاسَ حُجبَ العِزِّ ذَاكَ المُقَدِّمُ
بهِ قامَ في المِحرَابِ لِلهِ قانِتاً يُناجى لِرَبِّ العَرشِ وَالنَّاسُ نُوَّمُ
فَما زَالَ هذَا دَأبُهُ كُلَّ لَيلَةٍ إِلى أَن بهِ بانَ الوَنا وَالتَّوَرُّمُ
سَلاَمٌ على ذَاتِ النبي مُحَمَّدٍ فَيا حُسنَها فِيها الجَمالُ مُتَمَّمُ
سَلاَمٌ عَلى كُلِّ النبي مُحَمَّدٍ نبي عَظِيمٌ بالجَلالِ مُعَظَّمُ
نَبِىٌ لِمَولاَهُ العَلِّى عِنايَةٌ بِهِ تَبدُو إِذ ما الخَلقُ في الحَشرِ يُفحَمُ
عَلَيهِ لِوَاءُ الحَمدِ يُنصَبُ رِفعَةً وَمِن تَحتِهِ الانباءُ وَالرُّسلُ يُزحَمُ
بِهِ كُلُّ عاص في القِيامةِ لاَئِذٌ وَكُلُّ مُحِبٍّ فائِزٌ وَمُكلَّمُ
بِهِ يَرتَجِى المَجذُوبُ يَنجُو بِصَحبهِ بِغَيرِ امتِحانٍ يا شَفِيعُ وَيَسلَمُ
عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه يَعُمَّانِ كلَّ الآلِ ها نحن نختمُ
Upon you be God’s blessing, and then His peace too
O Messenger of God, I am so enamored with you
I shed tears from witnessing the sorrow that they
Brought up from a heart in longing, enthralled
But there is not, for this infatuation an explanation
Without seeing its beloved and greeting him
The beloved said to me, don’t fear after this
Any veil or exile, for my covenant is fulfilled
Whenever you want closeness with me, then call on me
O Messenger of God, I am enamored with you
I will answer you from a distance while I am seated with
Whomever is lovingly busy with my remembrance, describing me
I swear that a heart that loves you
For it the torment of the fire is absolutely forbidden
So what of one who waits on you at each hour?
Such a one is certainly in paradise delighting
Greetings of peace be upon you and this greeting grants me
The perfection of witnessing Beauty, inspiring
My tongue with salutations worthy of your rank
Repeating them, saluting you, murmuring
Greetings of peace be upon the head of the Messenger, Muhammad
A majestic head with Majesty turbaned
Greetings of peace be upon the face of Muhammad
O what a wondrous face in brightness veiled!
Greetings of peace be upon the nose of the prophet Muhammad
A nose straight and bright and aquiline
Greetings of peace be upon the cheeks of the Beloved, Muhammad
Cheeks luminous, soft, and fragrant
Greetings of peace be upon the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad
A mouth in which precious pearls are arrayed
For other than God’s speech and remembrance and the call
to the presence of his Master, he would not speak
Greetings of peace be upon the neck of the prophet Muhammad
A neck flashing bright and shapely
Greetings of peace be upon the chest of the beloved Muhammad
A heart in the Light of God perpetually abiding
It witnesses the Lord of the Throne at every instant
For if the eyes rest, it does not, so know this!
Greetings of peace be upon the palm of the prophet Muhammad
A wide-open palm, how generous and ennobling
By which how many a poor man became after his poverty
Rich, and how many a tyrant by it was harmed
Greetings of peace be upon the feet of the Beloved, Muhammad
that trampled the veils of glory that were offered
By which he stood in the Mihrab for God devoutly
In intimate converse with the Lord of the Throne, while people slept
Greetings of peace be upon the essence/body (dhāt) of the prophet Muhammad
For in its loveliness, all Beauty is completed
Greetings of peace be upon all of the prophet Muhammad
A magnificent prophet, by the Majestic, magnified
A Prophet [who is] from His Exalted Master, a solicitude
Which appears as creation in the gathering is dumbfounded
Raising the banner of praise as a standard
While the prophets and messengers crowd beneath it
In him, each wayward one in the resurrection is seeking refuge
And each lover is triumphant and spoken to
By him, Majdhūb hopes to be delivered with his companions
Without trial, O intercessor, safe and sound.
Upon you be the blessings of God and then His peace too
Including all [his] family, and here we conclude.
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